Watch for these workshops.
Contact us to sign up for
workshop announcements.
ж Organic Gardening
ж Composting
ж Winter Gardening
ж Greenhouse/Hotbox Construction
ж Straw Bale Construction
ж Thermal Mass for Homes
ж Solar Hot Water Systems
ж Off-grid Solar Electric Systems
ж Solar Oven Construction
ж Solar Cooking
ж Adobe Ovens
ж Fish Farming
Garden Strategies to Beat the Heat, the Cold and the Bugs -  April 24th  -  Let us know if you plan to attend.  509.773.6249
or email
crop covers
mini greenhouses
irrigation techniques
greenhouse design
pest control
green manures
A tour of strawbale buildings and other solar applications.

With lots of information about sustainable strategies, this workshop will be given by Tobiah and Adar Israel with 22 years of gardening experience near Goldendale, WA.- Elevation 2100 feet.

Bring something to share for lunch and we will provide fresh garden salad and excellent water to drink. 

Solar Hot Water Systems Workshop - May 8th -
We will complete the construction of a solar batch heater.  You are invited to come Monday , May 3rd before the workshop and we can get you the materials to build your own and take it home. We will discuss how to incorporate a solar water heater in or around your home.

Workshop fees by donation.

Sustainable Homestead Learning Center